It takes a village to raise a child, and with special needs in the mix, it helps to include specialists who are passionate and experienced.
Knowledge of what is possible is the Beginning of Happiness - George Santayana
Lockdown after lockdown, canceled activity after canceled activity, my husband and I have experienced how our children need more input than we can provide for them. I’m not talking about love and attention from us as parents, I’m talking about individuals providing specialist input helping my children to develop and grow into the humans we are hoping for them to become. Happy, Confident and Resilient!
And that’s been the over arching theme this past year from parents across the world, seeking more support for their children. The African proverb: "It takes a village to raise a child” is well known and a popular phrase to use, specifically for this reason and especially pertinent in a time like this.
During the past year we started to look for extra support for our daughter, who has dyslexic tendencies and possible issues with visual processing. We know a diagnosis will help to identify her exact needs but we felt in the current circumstances that we couldn't wait that long before implementing support. I started searching for support and was feeling overwhelmed, how do you know who you can trust? It was during this process that I first met Georgina Smith, a Dyslexia specialist. It didn’t take long before Georgina and I started talking about our passion for helping parents and how we both did a lot of our work online. The next thing we knew, an international online parent conference was born with this aim:
We wanted to make sure parents could have trusted and accessible information, which could empower and equip them straight away in how they support their children.
And best of all, eight other specialists felt the same and jumped on board! We are very proud of our line-up of presenters, all experienced, highly regarded and motivated to make a difference.

Meet our experienced panel of passionate presenters!
The conference will be held from 6pm onwards to enable parents, grandparents and all the wider family to attend. Your whole “village” can now be on the same page in how to best support your child!
1st to 5th March 2021
First slot is 6-7pm UK Time ( 8-9pm SA Time)
Second slot is 7-8pm UK Time (9-10pm SA Time)
Tickets are limited
All proceeds will be gifted to two charities - Talking SENse and The Chaeli Campaign
Click below to find out more about each presenter, their experience and what their presentation will be covering. You are also very welcome to send me an email with any questions you might have.